Selfie Sunday: Playing and Cuddling

The three of us formed a nice little circle here the other night. I was sitting on the bed trying to write while Fuzzy George played with the blanket and Sneakers played with Fuzzy George’s tail. I know, only FG would decide that playing with a blanket was a good idea. It started with pouncing on the graphics, then he discovered buttons. Trying to pull buttons off the blanket quickly because a new obsession.  The blanket is now turned upside down until I can wash it and put it away.  I just cant take the risk that he will rediscover the buttons one day when I am not around. That would be a nightmare.   

The boys have been so cute lately. Fuzzy George is back to his old goofy, troublesome self after his bought of constipation. They are both flitting around  looking for undivided attention all the time. And now that it is getting chilly out, they have both started cuddling up next to me at night. Nothing like kitty snuggles on a cold night.

Cat Sticker Club-My Newest Obsession

When I was a little girl I had a sticker book-pages where I could put all my stickers in one place, peeling them and re-sticking them to the different pages until I found some place more permanent to stick them. Some of the stickers were too cute to use, and they lived in that sticker book forever. Or at least until Adult Me decided I  was too old for stickers.  Thankfully, I got over being “too old for stickers” and now I wish I had my sticker book back.  Why? And what does this have to do with cats? Simple- I discovered The Cat Sticker Club.

Cat Sticker Club is an online sticker club and possibly the most amazing thing ever. For the low price of $3.50 a month, I get one adorable sticker mailed directly to me.  I always seem to come home to them after a particularly difficult day at work, which lets me enjoy them even more!  Like most people, I live on a very tight budget which makes it hard for me to do nice things for myself. A mere $3.50 a month though is totally affordable though. And you get a notification before your account is charged, meaning you can make sure to skip a coffee or candy bar that week if you need to make up the difference somewhcat sticker 3ere.

Oh and did I mention that 10% of profits from each month’s sicker benefits a different cat rescue organization? Because they do. And it makes my indulgence seem less indulgent (but in a totally good way!).  Or, if you don’t want to subscribe, you can buy one or two stickers at a time from their back issue store.

I had a chance to speak with Kelly, one of the founders of Cat Sticker Club, via email last month.  Cat Sticker Club started in February, 2016 and was inspired, in part, by Kelly’s love for her cats Dilly and Howard. Kelly says the idea for Cat Sticker Club came about after she started Feminist Sticker Club, and was home stuffing envelopes with her cats.

Kelly says charities are picked solely based off suggestions from Cat Sticker Club members.  “We have a place on our website where members can make suggestions on which charities we should donate to. We keep working through that list and with everyone’s help have been able to donate to some amazing places!” Charity partners are listed on their website, complete with links to each organizations’ website.

cat sticker 5

Similarly, artists are able to submit, their work through Cat Sticker Club’s website. Did you get a sticker you love and want more stuff from the artist? No problem. Just hop on over to The Artists page, read their bio and visit their website.  There are just so many things to love about Cat Sticker Club.

In fact, the only thing I don’t like about Cat Sticker Club, is I don’t know what to do with all the stickers. They are just too cute, I want to have them forever. I have stickers on my computer and my tablet cases. My water bottle is also decked out, as was my previous phone case.  I also decorated the cat food storage container. Which brings me back to wishing I had my sticker book back. It would be a nice safe place to keep my stickers AND be able to show them off to my friends.





Listen to your Instincts

I should have listened to my instinct. Instead I talked myself out of it. Earlier this year I was concerned that Fuzzy George was constipated. He was displaying the usual signs of constipation-not eating, a little vomiting and irregular bowel movements. I got him started on some Mira-lax at his doctor’s recommendation, and he cleared right up.  A bit later he started up again with the decreased appetite and irregular bowel movements. I started him up on the Mira-lax again.

Over the summer I kept planning on taking Fuzzy George in to the vet and  then not taking him in. He would be a little “off” then just when I was sure it was time to take him back, he would return to normal. The last few weeks though, I felt something was off. He was sleeping more than usual. His appetite has been decreased (which in Fuzzy George was still more than a normal cat).  He wasn’t very interested in playing, he stopped some of his routines. My instinct was to take him in too the vet. I told myself I was overreacting though. I told myself to relax. I told myself that I was still in “senior cat mode” from many years of caring for senior cats; the first sign of something off and  they were whisked to the doctor, because it usually was something serious. I told myself he is young, I’m sure he’s fine. It also doesn’t help that Fuzzy George lets out his true monster at the vet. He doesn’t respond to any of the oral drugs I give him for minor sedation prior to vet visits and has to get full sedated for the vet to even handle him.  So taking him to the vet is a big friggin’ deal.

FG cageWell I finally took him in yesterday. Poor love is majorly constipated. Like, I am not sure he could be any more backed up. I was uncomfortable just looking at the x-rays of his belly. So he started on a motility medication to get his colon moving and we added Mira-lax back to his diet. After the visit yesterday I realized that I haven’t seen his poop in a day or two, possibly more. I was so wrapped up in my own stress and worries that I failed to pay attention to litter box behavior.

Now I am beating myself up. Usually I am so good at knowing when my cats need care. I work at the vet after all.  I cared for Muffin, Crash and Sam for so many years, always knowing when it was time to take them in. But this time I ignored my instinct.  I thought I was being over dramatic and I didn’t want to put him (or myself) through the stress of an unneeded vet visit. Now my poor vet also has to deal with me in full Worried Cat Mom Mode, which I am good at after 7 plus years of sick senior-cat care. On the plus side, he got his nails trimmed (boy is a drama queen when it comes to nail trims).  Next time, I will listen when I feel something is wrong, even if it is inconvenient and stressful.

On another bright spot, when you work at the vet and your cat is completely sedated for his visit, you get to do this. FG unicorn


Pillow Games

Anyone who has ever lived with a cat knows just how odd they can be.  They develop odd quirks like the need to eat cornbread or play with carrots, then, just as suddenly, they are SO OVER THAT! Lately my boys have been playing what I call the Pillow Games. Each one has decided that this one particular pillow is THE place to sleep. But only at night. And Fuzzy George only wants the pillow if Sneakers had it first. Because cats.

It all started a month ago. I have a blanket that folds into a pillow (What will they think of next!). I decided I was  tired of the blanket and folded it into a pillow for easier storage. I  then made the mistake of leaving it on my bed. Sneakers found it and decided it was his pillow. I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised, as it is one of his favorite blankets.


This is the pillow that has caused all the trouble. I suppose it was inevitable, it shows the fur SO WELL!

For weeks Sneakers would curl up on this pillow at night and Fuzzy George would curl up on the bed next to the pillow. Fuzzy George would put his paws on the pillow, or maybe rest the side of his head on the pillow.

Sneakers King of Pillows

Sneakers likes the pillow any time of day or night.

Then one night Fuzzy George got bold. He sat on the pillow first. I have never seen him so proud of himself. Of course, being the ADHD type cat that he is, he didn’t stay there long. But he was so proud!

Pillow thief

Fuzzy George was so proud of himself! Sneakers, in the background, says he could have had the pillow if he didn’t have to wait for kibbles.

Since then they have taken turns sleeping on the pillow. I get the impression Fuzzy George thinks he is being sly when he gets on the pillow, even though he never stays. He gets on the pillow, sits there for a few minutes, then gets off. Sneakers then hops on and goes to sleep.


Getting ready to go to bed. He slept with his paws and his cheek on the pillow, until he got distracted by something more interesting.



“Look! I got the pillow!” He was so proud of himself.

Within the last few days the Pillow Games have lost their luster. The cats aren’t nearly as interested as they used to be. Maybe it’s not as new or exciting anymore, I’m not sure. I am sure that, like all cats, they will cycle back around to the Pillow Games.


His majesty knows he belongs on the pillow, and would request you please stop bothering him!

Sunday Selfie: One Year Adopt-aversary 

Happy Sunday everyone.

Yesterday was Fuzzy George’s one year adopt-aversary . One year ago yesterday he became an official member of my family. It snuck up on me, so I didn’t have anything prepared. In fact,  I only remembered because it popped up in my Facebook memories. (At least Facebook is useful for something). I was getting ready to go camping, actually, so I gave him a little kiss on the nose and marveled at the fact that it has been a year. He has come such a long way in the past year. Such a long way that it actually feels like it has been much more than a year.

It doesn’t always feel like it has been a good “longer than a year.”  It is hard to believe we have crammed so much stress, change and drama in to a single year. But, for better or worse, we have. Thankfully life (in this department anyway) has mostly calmed down.  This cat still likes to try biting me when I pet him. And he turns into a Berserker when you try clipping his nails. He has also developed the annoying habit of gently biting my feet/legs if they are someplace he wants to be sitting. (This cat is far, far too smart for his own good.  But he doesn’t attack unprovoked. He doesn’t stalk feet, and he doesn’t really bite anyone other than me. So, I would say that we are in a really good place. Much better than we were last year.

In celebration of his one year adopt-aversary, I have decided to make him the lucky subject of Selfie Sunday.


They can’t all be good photos.

This is what I saw the other day when I was covering him in kisses. If he is in a good mood, and I sneak up on him, sometimes I can sneak a few kisses on the top of his head and his nose. He actually really enjoys it. Apparently he was not having it on Friday.  Which is sad, because it was really helping me unwind. While that tongue is the cutest thing in the world, it is also dangerous. When you see that tongue come out, it means overstimulated Georgie Time. So back off or risk getting shredded. I backed off.  But not before getting this awesome shot.


New Friends

Fuzzy George and Sneakers have a new friend or two.  They love to sit in the window and watch their new friends. In fact Fuzzy George wants nothing more than to go outside and play with his new friends, though somehow I don’t think the feeling is mutual.  Honestly, I don’t know if they even realize that Sneakers and Fuzzy George exist. See they are squirrels, and they have been busily stuffing their bellies full of seeds from my tree.


Super blurry, but I think the squirrel is clear in the middle of the picture.

I’ve decided to name the new friends Bip and Bop (named after the Mutts comic strip characters) are frequent visitors around here the last few weeks.  Apparently my tree has some really good seeds this year, and the squirrels are going all out trying to stock up on the good stuff before summer ends.

S & FG looking out window

Fuzzy George takes every opportunity to watch for Bip and Bop. Their favorite branches are right in front of my bedroom window, so they get nice and close for the cats to see. While his favorite spot is looking out my bedroom window, he also enjoys looking out the picture window at them. He has been known to stare up at them while they bounce between branches. He moves from one side of the window to the other with them. He also likes to take every opportunity to look out the front door to check for squirrels in the yard.

Sneakers enjoys the squirrels, but not nearly as much as FG. Sneakers is much more interested in the giant bugs that keep landing on the windowsills around here. Now THAT is interesting.

Watching the squirrels, and watching the cats watch the squirrels has been a welcome break from reality. It has been a stressful, heavy summer for me. Watching the squirrels pick the trees clean of seeds with a quiet determination has been calming. Listening to them rustle in the trees, and watching them jump between branches has been calming. Of course having free entertainment for the cats has been great. Watching Fuzzy George’s hunter instincts kick, and watching Sneakers not kick in, has been so fun. But most of all, just taking the few minutes from the stress of life to recenter is great.


Fuzzy George: Reflecting & Looking Forward

Last weekend, July 23, Fuzzy George celebrated one year of being in his home. I was oblivious, due to the many other things going on in my life, and would have missed his anniversary completely, if it hadn’t been for a memory showing up in my Facebook timeline.  Last year, on Saturday July 23, Fuzzy George left his temporary residence at the vet clinic, and came to set up camp in my basement. It was a trial to see how he did in a home and, eventually, with another cat.  As a reminder, Fuzzy George came to me via work. The clinic I work at served as a halfway home for him while he was waiting for room at one of our local no-kill shelters, after he was sprung from a high kill animal control. I fell hard for this difficult cat, mostly because I knew he would never stand a chance of adoption at the shelter. 

I remember the first night Fuzzy George came home, he was terrified. He hadn’t been in such a big space in a long time.  At the vet’s office he had been living in offices and our large isolation ward (cage free). Neither were half as large as our basement. Plus, the basement had tv. A loud tv. Unfortunately for all, the transition coincided with a particularly nasty thunder storm. Fuzzy George spent his first night curling up in laps, demanding to be as close to people as he possibly could. I have never seen my cat so cuddly, sweet and affectionate. I was concerned, because I knew he was going to show his true face to my family very soon. He did. Not long after, but we will get there.  I remember Sunday morning I had to dig him out of a hidey hole under our couch that we didn’t even know existed. I remember cuddling him and developing a horrible, horrible allergic reaction. I have never had such a bad response to anything. My face swelled, I developed itchy red blotches all over my face and arms. I had to resort to benedryl to finally stop the reaction. I had never had this response to him before, and I was terrified it meant he was going to have to go to the shelter. Thankfully, I just seem to have responded to something he got into, or to whatever extra chemicals he was stress shedding. 

Fuzzy George soon learned that there was a door the humans went through when we left him. And he wanted to be on the other side of that door.  Unfortunately, Sneakers was on the other side of the door and felt that HE wanted to be on the side Fuzzy George was on. Both were completely unaware of the other. They just weren’t happy with a closed door (still a thing. They are always on the wrong side of every door. And yes, I did just make a Cat’s the musical reference.)).  

Properly introducing cats takes time. Separating them, letting them become aware of the other cat’s presence are key. So of course my cats ignored all the rules. Sneakers, living up to his name, slipped past me and down the stairs to the basement that first Sunday. He literally ran right past Fuzzy George, who was standing on the stairs. When Sneakers got downstairs and discovered the new cat standing behind him he literally jumped an inch up and backwards.  They sniffed each other, were curious about each other, then did their own thing. Fuzzy George’s thing was to run upstairs.  So my plans to slowly, very gradual introduce Fuzzy George to his new home and feline roommate, were crushed in less than 24 hours.  Both cats paced through the house, the tips of their tails twitching frantically as Fuzzy George explored his new surroundings.

The first few weeks with these two was rough. I could never tell if Fuzzy George and Sneakers were fighting or playing, or both. Fuzzy George adapted decently, but he soon showed his naughty side. Stalking feet at night when we got up to go to the bathroom. Taking Sneaker’s favorite cat tree and NOT sharing. Suddenly becoming noise reactive and trying to bite faces off at the sound of high pitched noises. Yeah, he was trouble. There were more than a few times that I highly doubted Fuzzy George would be staying with his. Many a nights I was too stressed to sleep, too worried about these cats. 


Over the past year Fuzzy George has made enormous strides. He loves people, especially men. He loves snuggling in blankets and soft things. He and Sneakers are BFFs. They sleep together on my bed at night, and can frequently be found tussling. While Sneakers can be a bit rough for Fuzzy George, he knows when to say “enough” (if only Sneakers would listen….) They can frequently be found sitting in their matching cat trees, staring out the front window of my bedroom. 

More than anything though, Fuzzy George helped me. By showing this cat love and affection, giving him a chance at a happy home and a chance at life, I healed something inside me.  Unconsciously I wanted to know that “broken” creatures can be loved and be happy.  When he displayed serious behavior issues, I neeeded to know that I could fix them. I needed to know that I was as good with cats as I think. I also needed to know that just cause the going was tough that he wouldn’t be abandoned. I find working with and socializing cats to be theraputic, because I understand the fear and anxiety they are going though. I understand not feeling like you can trust anyone around you. And building the trust of a terrified animal is the most beautiful thing.  So, by “fixing” Fuzzy George, I was also fixing a part of me. 

These days Fuzzy George prefers my dad to me. He follows my dad around the house and sits in his face. They have conversations too, Fuzzy George emitting loud squaks in response to my dad. It’s adorable. I am totally jealous. Fuzzy George sleeps with me most nights, usually right in the middle of the bed.  Last night he decided to pounce on my limps every time they moved. It’s hard to sleep when you have a tiny killer trying to kill your body limps.  He still bites, just me though. And not nearly as much and not nearly as hard as he used to.  He is still crazy. You can find him sitting on a chair with a distant gaze in his eyes and its instantly clear that no one is home.  But he snuggles next to legs, and he purrs his giant motor of a purr that makes his whole body vibrate.  He makes everyone laugh with his antics. He is a wonderful cat, with a few loose screws, who just needed a chance to see what a cozy, loving, safe home looks like.